Emsculpt is designed to both build muscle and burn fat at the same time. A relaxing 30 minute session won’t even see you break a sweat. Sounds too good to be true we know, but when you see the science behind the process you’ll quickly learn the machine replicates the movement of a stomach crunch or an arm curl, but without you needing to do the hard work.

FDA cleared for 5 body parts

Click on the desired body area to view the results.

The Food and Drug Administration is an American government agency which is responsible for regulating and supervising the use of medications and medical devices.






What is Emsculpt?

EMSCULPT is the only procedure which helps women and men build muscle and burn fat simultaneously. In addition, EMSCULPT provides the world's first non-invasive buttock toning procedure.


How does Emsculpt work?

EMSCULPT is based on high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. A single EMSCULPT session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles.

The science, why people are saying YES to EMSCULPT

Efficacy and safety have been tested in many multicentre studies using the most reputable scientific methods (MRI, CT, US and Histology)

Average increase in muscle mass
Average reduction in fat

Emsculpt Patient Testimonials

View a small selection of our geniune patient testimonials


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Emsculpt Gallery

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EMSCULPT is intended for treatment of obesity by fat reduction through neuromuscular stimulation and increase of the blood flow. EMSCULPT is intended to be used for waist circumference reduction and muscle strengthening. The device is used for application of high-intensity electromagnetic energy for body reshaping and fat reduction. 

Results and patient experience may vary. As with any medical procedure, ask your doctor if the procedure is right for you. *Data on file. 

1Abdominal toning and reduction of subcutaneous fat with combination of novel radio frequency treatment and HIFEM procedure – MRI scan study. Jacob C.  et  al. Presented at ASDS 2020 Virtual Meeting.